Blockchain Wallet

What is a blockchain wallet? That’s a great question. A wallet is described as a pocket-sized flat folding case for holding money, plastic cards, and photos of loved ones.

Blockchain is here to stay. It is the new database and platform that Cryptocurrencies exist within and it requires a wallet to exchange, use, and redeem. It operates like the wallet you carry in your pants pocket, in the virtual environment of the data world.

blockchain wallet

Looking for the best method for turning CASH or FIAT into Cryptocurrency? The blockchain wallet we use is COINBASE. You’ll receive $10 in BTC when you join. It is also a great way to learn more.

You’ll find that there are many other wallets. Each has its own purpose and resources found in blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the constantly growing digital world ahead. We have trusted and used Coinbase for years.

  • Coinbase offers Staked Coins. You can “Stake” or hold your coins for profits. You lock or “Stake Them”. That means you will not sell or transfer them. In returnyou receive an APY or Annual Percentage Yield, much like you do with a Bond orSavings Account. That could result in a substantial amount. Those staked with Coinbase have over time been safer. However, there are always risks to consider with investments, which includes Staking.
  • Staked Coins grow through rewards, normally in more coins while being staked. This is like a bank bond or Certificate of Deposit creatinge and leveraging the creation of more Crypto Coins.

We will train you on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and More in our Online Community Zoom Rooms. Be sure to reach out at for more! We will educate and support you during this incredible time of technological advancement.

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